Who Is Bonnie Bartlett Daniels? What Is the “Middle of the Rainbow”?

You probably know me from my acting career over the last 70 years - over 200 films and TV appearances including my Emmy-winning role on St. Elsewhere. When I decided to write my memoir, however, I was not interested in doing a celebrity tell-all. That is not who I am. And while I include plenty of showbiz stories (including my relationships with the likes of Marilyn Monroe), my overall story takes the reader on my journey to womanhood and sexual maturity.

As I have been fortunate to continue working as an actress, the book takes us all the way from my first job on a live TV soap opera in the 1950s to my work on recent shows such as Better Call Saul.

Throughout the book, I describe my 70-year marriage to actor William Daniels and how we made it through these last seven decades together. As you know, it is extremely rare for Hollywood couples to last a lifetime like that. It was not easy – it still is not (though it is easier).

Ultimately, I came to realize and understand that even during the worst of times, I had to learn to love my life as if it were a rainbow “with a pot of gold at both ends.”